A composition of buds and tender top leaves
The storage of the 2003 Yiwu (Special Grade) is a wonderful showcase of storage in Thailand. From the year of production in 2003 to this day, I have kept the tea in Thailand under the natural conditions of the local tropical climate. The result is a gradual ageing process that retains much of the complexity and vigor of the tea leaf. Drinking this tea now, I find it quite surreal that this tea has been with me for over 2 decades. The brew retains an abundance of activeness, vigor and strength alongside fine nuances. At semi-age the tea displays a pleasant sweet/tart taste (more sweet), carrying warm tones of honey with an underlying ripe fruitiness. The Yiwu character shine with an elegance that has been fostered from the laborious task of strict leaf selection that makeup this special grade.
Additional Note: Exploring the impact of different climate and environmental conditions I was inspired to have several tongs of the 2003 Yiwu (Special Grade) stored in Hong Kong. It offers an interesting comparison and one I will make available in the near future. (UPDATE: Now available on request)
Elegant taste