Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Resting Period

Seasoned clay pitcher used for resting the brew.
"Good things come to those who wait"
Violet Fane (Mary M. Singleton) 1892
Many tea enthusiasts who drink tea too quickly lose out on the development of the brew. Resting the brew in a clay pitcher for 10-15 minutes enables the character of the tea to settle. During this time the brew becomes richer and thicker, the taste and aroma more prominent. A pitcher made from quality clay that has been well seasoned will provide the effect of smoothening and enhancing the sweetness within the brew. After the resting period the temperature of the brew should not drop below drinking temperature. Minimizing heat loss can be done by preheating the pitcher and stacking multiple steeps to ensure the ideal fill level.

Note: The art of tea preparation is never set in stone as there are always moving variables. Adjusting to suit individual taste and preferences as well as the respective environment shows true mastery and understanding of the technique and the tea.